
Are you a June Sucker?

Does the thought of fresh mountain creek water make you want to spawn in the summer? Would you like to see water as healthy as Wasatch Front mountain creek water enter and exit the jewel of our region - Utah Lake - and stay pure all the way to the Great Salt Lake? If this vision sends ripples down your scales, you just might be able to label yourself a June Sucker, or at least a citizen of June Sucker Nation.

At Bioneers today, people seemed to take to the idea of June Sucker Nation... Not surprising as it was at last years Bioneers conference when the Salmon Nation project (a major inspiration) was presented to us by Paul Hawken and Spencer Beebe.

So to any resident of the Jordan River-Utah Lake watershed reading this, we would love to hear your input. What do you think of the idea of June Sucker Nation? How can we build a coalition of Bioneers around the whole organism of our watershed, our "Basin of Relations"?

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